Announcement – Certified Web3 Hacker (CW3H)™ Certification Launched

New technological advancements have always led to new risks and challenges, and as always, security is at the top of the list. Web3 security attacks have emerged as one of the most prominent concerns for Web3 developers, and the continuously expanding financial burden of Web3 security attacks has led to significant pitfalls in the Web3 innovation process. If investors lose their valuable crypto assets, how would they trust Web3 solutions?

The total losses from security attacks and scams in Web3 have led to immense losses (about 655 million dollars in the first half of 2023), and as a consequence, we are witnessing a skyrocketing demand for Web3 security experts with the skills needed to build effective solutions.

Are you ready to embark on a journey to become a certified Web3 security expert with vast career opportunities? We can help you achieve your goal with the new Certified Web3 Hacker certification that equips you with all the necessary skills.

In the new Certified Web3 Hacker certification launched by Howard Poston (Senior Instructor), you will learn all the effective solutions to Web3 security risks and do so from a hacker’s perspective.

Certified Web3 Hacker Certification Course 

The Certified Web3 Hacker (CW3H) certification is the tool professionals need in order to prepare for security challenges in Web3. The web3 security certification launched recently offers a distinct approach to learning web3 security with our hacker’s perspective in mind.

With great losses in 2022 and 2023 due to security attacks, and hackers exploring new types of attacks, such as phishing attacks, security has become a top priority. Today, hackers use celebrities’ identities or impersonate top project official websites to compromise Web3 security. There are countless ways hackers find to scam and create damage, so an effective security solution is key.

As the impact of web3 security breaches becomes more prominent, it is important to note how our web3 hacking certification will help you capitalize on this opportunity and enhance your career. The CW3H certification training course includes detailed insights into real-world Web3 threats and the best practices for resolving them. On top of it, the certification training course also helps in understanding effective methods for improving security in Web3 logic.

Certified Web3 Professional (CW3P)

Target Audience for CW3H Certification Course

The CW3H certification is the most comprehensive web3 security course, which helps you view web3 security as hackers. Through this course, you will learn how a hacker would compromise a Web3 solution. Anyone interested in learning the best practices for safeguarding Web3 security will benefit from the CW3H certification course. The following groups of learners can benefit most from this course.

  • Web3 and blockchain developers can become certified web3 security experts and build secure dApps and web3 solutions.
  • IT security experts can develop expertise in safeguarding Web3 network infrastructure against Web3 security threats.
  • Smart contract auditors can use the course to learn about Web3 security principles and specialize in comprehensive smart contract security assessment.
  • Security testers for Web3 applications can also use the CW3H certification training course to develop fluency in identifying Web3 threats.

Excited to learn about the critical vulnerabilities and security risks in smart contract development, Enroll now in the Smart Contracts Security Course!

Basic Information about the Certified Web3 Hacker Certification

The obvious thought on your mind about the new web3 security certification launched on 101 Blockchains would be what are its benefits. How will the CW3H certification course help you learn about Web3 security? Here is an outline of the valuable learning objectives of the CW3H certification,

  • In-depth understanding of real-world Web3 security threats.
  • Comprehensive learning material about the best practices for resolving Web3 security threats.
  • Awareness of methods for enhancing security in Web3 logic.    

You can notice that our new web3 hacking certification focuses on helping you learn about web3 security from a hacker’s perspective. Some people assume that Web3 hacking is an illegal activity, but in fact, when followed from an ethical perspective, Web3 hacking can help you prepare the foundation for better Web3 security. How can you cover the learning objectives required and improve your expertise in Web3 security?

Build your identity as a certified web3 & blockchain expert with 101 Blockchains’ Web3 & Blockchain Certifications designed to provide enhanced career prospects.

What are the Topics Covered in Certified Web3 Hacker Certification?

The CW3H certification training course is a comprehensive training tool that helps you learn about the effective implementation of Web3 security principles. The training course offers lessons in different modules, demos, and hands-on videos, which help you connect the dots effortlessly without missing any topic. You will find a broad range of modules in the Certified Web3 Hacker certification launched on 101 Blockchains. Each module showcases an effective connection with other modules and also focuses on relevant topics in Web3 security. Here are the topics you will learn in the CW3H certification course.

  • Fundamentals of Web3, DeFi, and Ethereum.
  • Web3 security fundamentals and important considerations.
  • Tools for Web3 hacking.
  • Introduction to smart contracts and how they work.
  • Basic concepts of EVM and notable EVM security attacks.
  • Fundamental concepts of tokens and the types of security attacks on tokens.
  • Variants of DeFi attacks and the evolution of DeFi security risks.

Aspiring to become a Web3 Security Engineer? Here is a detailed guide on how to build your career as a Web3 Security Engineer!

Reasons to Choose the Certified Web3 Hacker Certification

The Certified Web3 Hacker or CW3H certification offers multiple value advantages for learners. It is one of the unique training resources for exploring Web3 security from the attackers’ viewpoint. The certificate is a reliable Web3 security course with the assurance of responsive support and comprehensive training.

101 Blockchains has gained a reputation for offering highly responsive support to all learners. You can ask experts about your doubts about the Web3 hacking certification course and find the ideal solutions within a few hours or minutes. On top of it, a detailed explanation for answers to your doubts also provides an additional advantage for your learning experience.

The next reason to choose the CW3H certification training course is to ensure a future-proof career path. Web3 security would emerge as a noticeable priority for enterprises worldwide as the adoption of Web3 technologies gains momentum. A certified Web3 security expert’s career path opens the road to career development opportunities and ensures job security. As a certified Web3 hacker, you will become an invaluable asset for organizations working with Web3.

  • Skill Development for Web3

The most important advantage of choosing the new Certified Web3 Hacker certification launched on 101 Blockchains is skill development. The CW3H certification course is a specialized training resource that helps you upskill in Web3 security with demos and hands-on videos. Learners can rely on the CW3H certification course to expand their Web3 skills and establish their claim for top Web3 job roles.

Start your journey to becoming an expert in Web3 security skills with Web3 Security Expert Career Path!

Bottom Line

The new Web3 security certification launched on 101 Blockchains is the world’s top training and skill development course for Web3 security professionals. It not only offers a certificate but also ensures that learners achieve specialization in Web3 security. For example, it helps you with in-depth learning of Web3 security exploits in the real world. In addition, it also introduces learners to the tools and frameworks for implementing Web3 security.

Learn more about Web3 security and become a certified Web3 hacker now!

Advance your Career with Blockchain & Web3 Skills

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