
What Is Shiba Inu (SHIB) And How Does It Work?

The untimely death of Balltze, the most loved dog in the social media community, was unexpected news for the world in August 2023. He was fondly called ‘Cheems,’ a name popularized through internet memes. The Shiba Inu dog has been the reason for millions of smiles all over the world through different memes. Another popular canine friend, Kabosu, became the …

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A Comprehensive Guide to Machine Learning Algorithms

The innovative developments in technology have marked some noticeable milestones for future generations. It would be an understatement to say that we are currently in the most remarkable period of human history. The large mainframes turned into PCs, and now, the world has cloud computing. On top of it, the guides on machine learning algorithms explained the growing importance of …

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Midjourney v4 vs v5 Key Differences

Midjourney is one of the world’s most popular generative AI tools right now. It has gained significant popularity for generating realistic images from text prompts within a few minutes. As a matter of fact, Midjourney has proved that generative AI could amass billions of users within no time. As of August 2023, the Midjourney Discord server has more than 14 …

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An Introduction to AI Chatbots

Technology plays a crucial role in transforming industries and daily lives of millions of people worldwide. One of the most notable additions among technologies that have gained significant traction in recent times is artificial intelligence. AI has shown the possibilities for simulating human intelligence in machines. The use cases of AI have led to multiple innovative breakthroughs in different sectors. …

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TensorFlow vs PyTorch – Key Differences

Deep learning is one of the most popular subsets in the domain of artificial intelligence right now. However, the questions and concerns about the implications of deep learning would have a major impact on the adoption of deep learning in real-world applications. The TensorFlow vs PyTorch debate reflects the continuously increasing emphasis on adoption of deep learning. The two notable …

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10 Top Web3 Security Startups and Companies

Web3 security has emerged as one of the top priorities for businesses and users interested in the potential of the impressive third generation of the internet. While the adjectives for describing the value of Web3 can paint a positive impression, you should also look out for the pitfalls. You might have doubts regarding questions such as “Is Web3 more secure?” …

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The Promising Impact of Web 3.0 in Data Privacy

Privacy and safety are the most important concerns for users in the digital world. While safety ensures that nobody can break into your home, privacy implies that your neighbor doesn’t peek into your bedroom. Do you really have privacy for your data online? The debate around web3 impact in data privacy draws the limelight towards big tech corporations.  For example, …

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Announcement – DeFi Development Course Launched

The world of finance has always encountered different phases of instability. As the popularity of blockchain continues to grow, it is reasonable to believe that it would serve a valuable purpose for financial services. We are excited to launch our new DeFi developer course that helps you learn about automated market makers and liquidity pools. It is a comprehensive, self-paced …

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Lazy Minting Explained: A Cheaper Way to Mint NFTs

Non-fungible tokens have become one of the most notable trends in the world of technology. The unique digital assets have captured the attention of developers, collectors, and artists in different ways. Do you want to find a way to ride the NFT bandwagon? Interestingly, you can buy and sell NFTs with a simple and straightforward process. However, minting your own …

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10 Must-Have AI Tools for Startups & Small Businesses

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a disruptive force that can change conventional perceptions regarding innovation. You are more likely to find AI among the top technology trends in the world. The applications of the best AI tools for business, especially the new ones, serve as the ideal evidence for the functionalities of AI. One of the common highlights in discussions …

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List of Top 5 Web3 Security Tools

Web3 is the next stage in the evolution of innovation in the world of technology. It not only presents a new approach for defining user experiences on the internet but also provides a completely different perspective on the role of users. The popularity of web3 tools such as web3 wallets, IDEs, and libraries is expanding continuously as web3 developers experiment …

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AI in Project Management – Know The Future

The slew of technological advancements and innovative solutions have brought massive transformations in the world around us. One of the most formidable outcomes of technological innovation is artificial intelligence. AI has transformed the way people work as well as the everyday lives of people worldwide.  The discussions on questions like ‘Is AI the future?’ point to the potential of AI …

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